Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae - Heather Handley
Personal Information
Name: Heather Handley
Website: www.heatherhandley.com
Twitter: @heatherkhandley
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/heatherhandley
2006: PhD in Volcano Geochemistry (competitive NERC-funded). Geochemical and Sr-Nd Hf-O isotopic constraints on volcanic petrogenesis at the Sunda arc, Indonesia. Durham University, UK
2001: BSc (Honours) Geology 1st Class, Edinburgh University, UK
Teaching Qualifications
2013-2014: Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
- Foundations in Learning and Teaching Module 1: Curriculum and Assessment
- Foundations in Learning and Teaching Module 2: Learning and Teaching
2006: Australian College of English, Sydney, Australia , Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA)
Relevant Employment History
2022 – present: Associate Professor of Volcanic Hazards and Geoscience Communication, University of Twente
2021 – present: Co-Founder and Director Earth Futures Festival
2021 – present: Adjunct Associate Professor, Monash University
2021 – 2023: Honorary Associate Professor, Macquarie University
2018 – 2021: Associate Professor Volcanology and Geochemistry, Macquarie University
2012 – 2018: ARC Future Fellow and Senior Lecturer, Macquarie University
2009 – 2012: ARC Linkage Project Research Associate, Macquarie University
2007 – 2008: ARC Research Fellow, Macquarie University
2005 – 2006: Ogden Trust Teaching Fellow, County Durham
Career Statement and Objective
Heather strives to take a holistic, source-to-surface, inter- and multi-disciplinary approach to her present research and in addition to working with geologists, geochemists and mineralogists, she collaborates with social scientists, physical volcanologists, experimentalists, structural geologists and geophysicists to solve magmatic and volcanic process problems and to understand volcanic impacts on the environment and its people. Heather dedicates her career to inspiring future generations of geoscientists through media, outreach and tertiary education and is a strong advocate for equity, diversity and inclusion in geosciences.
Geoscience Leadership and Roles – Current
Co-Leader IAVCEI Commission on Volcanic Geoheritage and Protected Volcanic Landscapes (2024 – present)
Committee Member EAGE SIC Geoscience Communication
Member of the Panel of Experts on Natural Hazards and Climate Change, European Federation of Geologists (2022 – present)
UNESCO IGCP 685 Project Leader: Geoscience for Sustainable Development. Earth Futures Festival (2021 – present)
Management Team Member, Department of Applied Earth Sciences, University of Twente (2023 – present)
Chair of Media and Communication Committee, Department of Applied Earth Sciences, University of Twente (2023 – present)
Co-Founder and Director, Earth Futures Festival (2021 – present)
Co-Chair, Women’s Academic Network Twente (2024 – present)
Board Member, Women’s Academic Network Twente (2023 – present)
Geoversity Editorial Board Member, Faculty ITC, University of Twente (2023 – present)
iScience Editorial Advisory Board Member (2023 – present)
Advisory Board Member, Department of Applied Earth Sciences, University of Twente (2022 – present)
Geoscience Leadership and Roles – Previous
Executive Committee Member, Centre for Disaster Resilience, University of Twente (2022 - 2023)
Steering Committee Member, Centre for Disaster Resilience, University of Twente (2022 – 2024)
Member of the international Geosciences ATLAS Group, mapping geoscience to the UN Sustainability Development Goals (2021-2023)
Science and Technology Australia Superstar of STEM (2021-2022)
Co-Founder and Inaugural President (2018-2021) of the Women in Earth and Environmental Sciences Australasia network (www.womeesa.net) with over 650 members
Geological Society of Australia (GSA) Governing Councillor (member elected, 2021-2022)
Co-Editor in Chief: Earth and Planetary Science Letters (EPSL) (2019-2021)
Founder multi-disciplinary Volcanic and Magmatic Research Group (VMRG), Macquarie University (2016-2021)
Chair of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) Recruitment, Outreach and Program Promotion Committee (2018-2021)
Member of the Macquarie University EES Department Executive Committee (2020-2021)
Lead Organiser of the Open Day Program for Macquarie University EES (2018-2021)
Member of the Macquarie University EES Department Diversity and Inclusion Committee (2019-2021)
Macquarie University Faculty Women in STEM Committee Member (EES Department Representative) (2018-2019)
Member of the Macquarie University Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) Outreach Committee (2018-2021)
Member of the Macquarie University Parent and Carer Task Group (2018-2019)
Administrator of the WOMEESA (@WOMEESA) and Faculty Women in STEM (@STEMwomenMQ) Twitter accounts (2017-2021 and 2018-2021)
Mentor in the Waranara Mentoring Program (for high achieving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander undergraduate students; 2019-2020)
Mentor FSE Early Career Researcher Program (2020-2021)
Associate Editor: American Mineralogist (2015-2019)
Extensive media (Documentary, TV, Radio, Print) and outreach contributions (ongoing)
2025: European Geosciences Union - Katia and Maurice Krafft Award
2021: Geological Society of Australia Beryl Nashar National Award
2021: Science and Technology Australia Superstar of STEM (2021-2022)
2021: People’s Choice Best Poster Award, Australian Earth Science Convention
2020: AGU Editors’ Citation for Excellence in Refereeing - Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 2019
2014: Young Tall Poppy Award, Australian Institute of Policy and Science NSW
2001: Invertebrate Palaeontology Unit Award, The University of Edinburgh
1998: Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award
1997: A-level Geography Fieldwork Prize, Wales High School
Invited Contributions and Honours
2024: Invited Plenary Speaker, Mini-Symposium Science Communication, University of Twente
2024: Invited Speaker EGU Short Course SC3.3 on presentation skills
2024: Invited Guest Speaker MinEx CRC Education and Training program
2023: Invited panellist Society of Exploration Geophysicists Earth Day event
2023: Invited panellist Earth Science Matters
2023: Invited Talk EuroGeoSurveys
2022: Invited Seminar Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists
2022: Invited Judge Silbersalz23 International Science and Media Festival
2022: Invited Seminar Geological Society of Australia NSW
2021: Invited Chair and Panellist, ‘Aboriginal History and its Influence on Science’ at the Australian Earth Science Convention
2021: Invited to deliver the Ralph Tate Memorial Lecture, Adelaide by the Field Geology Club of SA, Royal Society of SA and Geological Society SA
2021: Invited Keynote, AuScope Research Conference
2021: Invited seminar, Earth Observatory of Singapore, Singapore
2021: Invited seminar, Highland Geological Society, UK
2021: Invited Lecture, Geological Society Australia GOLD
2020: Invited Seminar Australian National University
2020: Invited Presenter, World Science Festival Brisbane, 3 events (late March - cancelled due to COVID-19)
2020: Invited Speaker, International Women’s Day, Wild Women Event, Chatswood Library, North Sydney
2019: Invited Scientist, National Geographic TV Documentary Series: two episodes
2019: Invited Panellist, Town Hall Meeting, AGU Fall Meeting
2019: Invited Talk and Panellist, Union Session, AGU Fall Meeting
2019: Invited Guest, Women in STEM ‘Meet and Greet’, Sydney University
2019: Invited Seminar, University of Sydney
2019: Invited Seminar, University of Wollongong
2019: Invited Keynote Speaker, BEEINS Conference, Sydney
2018: Invited Keynote Speaker and Panellist, GSA GESSS NSW, Sydney
2018: Invited Panellist, Diversity in Geosciences Lunch, AGCC, Adelaide
2018: Invited Seminar, University of Adelaide
2018: Invited Speaker, International Women’s Day, MQ FSE Morning Tea
2018: President of the Women in Earth and Environmental Sciences Australasia network (WOMEESA)
2017: Invited Keynote Speaker and Panellist, Dorothy Hill Women in Earth Science Symposium
2017: Invited Talk, IAVCEI 2017, Portland, USA
2017: Invited Poster, EGU 2017, Vienna, Austria
2015: Invited Talk, EGU 2015, Vienna, Austria
2013: Invited Talk, IAVCEI 2013, Kagoshima, Japan
2013: Invited Speaker, Faculty of Science Awards Night, Macquarie University
2012: Invited Scientist, Discovery Science Channel: Documentary on Krakatau volcano
2009: Invited Seminar, ICTJA, Barcelona, Spain
2009: Invited Seminar, Macquarie University, Australia
2008: Invited Seminar, LMU, Munich, Germany
2006: Invited Keynote Speaker, Merapi Mini Symposium, Dublin, Ireland
2006: Invited Seminar, University of Adelaide, Australia
2005: Science and Engineering Ambassador (STEMNET), County Durham
2004: Special mention for best student talk, VMSG Conference, UK
Competitive Fellowships
2012-2018: Australian Research Council Future Fellowship ($621,746)
2009: Humboldt Foundation Research Fellowship (€54,000) declined to take up a position at Macquarie University
2005-2006: The Ogden Trust Teaching Fellowship (£12,000)
Competitive Grants and Research Funding (in AUD unless indicated)
2024: EXCITE2 Horizon Europe infrastructure programme transnational access grant (Sole CI)
2024: UT Climate Centre Consolidator Fund (Lead CI)
2023: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network: EarthSafe (Co-PI) (€2.7 million)
2023: EPOS-NL Facility Access Grant (Sole CI)
2023: CDR University of Twente – 2 year postdoctoral researcher Global Volcanic Risk (lead CI)
2020: ARC Discovery Project: Plumbing the gap: a mantle solution to the enigma of bimodal arc volcanism (Co-CI) ($222,301)
2019: Faculty Science and Engineering Learning and Teaching Grant ($5,000)
2018: MQRIS Small: Benchtop X-ray powder diffractometer for rapid phase analysis in a multi-user environment (Co-CI) ($100,000)
2018: MQRIS Small: High-resolution and low-detection portable XRF instrumentation for non-destructive in situ measurement of environmental, geological and archaeological materials (Co-CI) ($99,995)
2017: Australian Government Citizen Science Grant: Citizen insights to the composition and risks of household dust (Co-CI) ($490,803)
2017: Macquarie University Conference Carer Support Grant (Sole CI) ($1,900)
2016: Macquarie University Energy and Environmental Contaminants Research Centre (Co-CI) ($150,000)
2016: MQRIBG Thermal Analyser and Pyroprobe (Co-CI) ($100,000)
2016: MQRIBG Alpha spectrometer (lead CI) ($85,881)
2016: MQSIS Combined precision lapping-polishing machine (Co-CI) ($86,000)
2015: MQSIS CL Monochromator for SEM (Co-CI) ($150,000)
2014: MQSIS High Spectral Resolution Confocal Micro Raman Spectrometer (Co-CI) ($150,000)
2014: ARC Discovery Project: Timescales of mixing and volatile transfer leading to volcanic eruptions (Lead CI) ($340,500)
2014: Awarded 1 MQRES PhD scholarship ($88,872)
2013: Gobierno de Chile FONDECYT Grant (Named Project Partner) ($169,870)
2013: MQSIS 2 Handheld XRF analysers (Co-CI) ($149,447)
2013: RIBG Front-line microscope imaging (Co-CI) ($91,522)
2012: MQRIBG Handheld XRF analyser (Co-CI) ($59,146)
2012: MQSIS XRF (Co-CI) for an X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer ($163,000)
2012: MQRIBG Microscope (Co-CI) ($91,522)
2012: Macquarie University Start-Up Grant ($85,314)
2012: Awarded 2 MQRES PhD Scholarships ($276,000)
2011: NERC Urgency Grant. (Named Project Partner) (£51,740)
2006: Ogden Trust Travel Award (£300)
2006: SE Asia Research Group Conference Travel Grant (£100)
2006: University of Durham Ustinov College Travel Grant (£100)
2004: AAPG Grant for oxygen isotope analysis at Royal Holloway, UK (£1485)
2004: University of Durham Ustinov College Travel Grant (£100)
2004: Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group Travel Bursary Award (£100)
2004: Mineralogy Society Student Bursary Award (£200)
2004: IAVCEI Conference Financial Assistance Award (US$100)
2003: NERC grant to use the Manchester Electron Microprobe Facility
2002: South East Asia Research Group Fieldwork Grant (£1000)
Publication Metrics (Google Scholar 05/11/2024)
H-index: 25
Total Citations: 2808
Peer-reviewed publications: 53
Non-peer reviewed publications: 20
Conference abstracts: over 100 international conference presentations
Media (documentary, TV, radio, podcast, blog and print article outputs): over 100
Publications (*PhD student under supervision of Handley)
Handley, H., Jacquelin-Furr, M., Nunn, P.D., Tavola, K., Németh, K., Franks, L., McCallum, A., Ubide, T. (submitted). Integrating long-lived traditions and scientific knowledge to improve understanding of volcanic history and hazards: examples from Australasia and the Pacific Islands. Volcanica.
Meredith, E.S., Teng, R.X.N., Jenkins, S.F., Hayes, J.L., Biass, S. and Handley, H. (2025, in review). Cities near volcanoes: Which cities are most exposed to volcanic hazards? Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 1-36.
Pilet, S., Dannberg, J., Ubide, T., Handley, H., McGee, L., Weidendorfer, D., White, J. (in revision). Intraplate volcanoes; origin, evolution and impact, from large shield volcanoes to monogenetic volcanic fields. Encyclopedia of Volcanoes 3rd Edition, Ed: Bonadonna, C.
Handley, H. How volcanoes shaped our planet — and why we need to be ready for the next big eruption. Nature 628, 713-715 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-024-01179-1
Didonna, R., Handley, H., Albert, H., Costa, F. (2024). Time scales of olivine storage and transport as revealed by diffusion chronometry at Waitomokia Volcanic Complex, Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2024.108094
*Foote, A., Handley, H. & Németh, K. (2023). Remnants of a Young Monogenetic Volcanic Field and the Fragile Balance of Anthropogenic Interaction. Geoheritage 15, 131. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12371-023-00897-8
*Foote A., Handley, H. Nemeth, K., Didonna, R., McGe, L., Griffis, R., Clerke, L. (2023). The role of phreatomagmatism in the formation of complex monogenetic volcanic systems in a low-lying coastal plain. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 442. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2023.107899
Capello, M.A., Caslin, E., Stewart, I.S., Cox, D.M., Shaughnessy, A.C., Atekwana, E.A., Handley, H.K., Bakamjian, T., Wouters, L., Winsten, M.S., Singh, V., Mhopjeni, K. (2023). Geoscience in action: advancing sustainable development. UNESCO and AGU. p. 87. ISBN 978-92-3-100580-0 https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000384826
Gertisser, R., del Marmol, M.-A., Newhall, C., Preece, K., Charbonnier, S., Andreastuti, S., Handley, H., Keller, J. (2023) Geological History, Chronology and Magmatic Evolution of Merapi. In: Gertisser, R., Troll, V.R., Walter, T.R., Nandaka, I.G.M.A., Ratdomopurbo, A. (eds) Merapi Volcano. Active Volcanoes of the World. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-15040-1_6
Subandriyo, Gertisser, R., Aisyah, N., Humaida, H., Preece, K., Charbonnier, S., Budi-Santoso, A., Handley, H., Sumarti, S., Sayudi, D.S., Nandaka, I.G.M.A., Wibowo, H.E. (2023). An Overview of the Large-magnitude (VEI 4) Eruption of Merapi in 2010. In: Gertisser, R., Troll, V.R., Walter, T.R., Nandaka, I.G.M.A., Ratdomopurbo, A. (eds) Merapi Volcano. Active Volcanoes of the World. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-15040-1_12
*Foote A., Nemeth, K., Handley, H. (2022). The interplay between environmental and magmatic conditions in eruption style transitions within a fissure-aligned monogenetic volcanic system of Auckland, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 431, 107652 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2022.107652
*Didonna, R., Costa, F., Handley, H., Turner, S., Barclay, J. (2022). Dynamics and timescales of mafic-silicic magma interactions at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 177:28 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00410-022-01891-z
Turner, S., Dosseto, A., Suresh, P.O., Turner, M., Handley, H., Hesse, P. (2022). U-Th isotope data for dust sampled along a west to east transect in eastern Australia and some bedrock from the Flinders Ranges. Results in Geochemistry 6, 100016. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ringeo.2022.100016
Zhang, A., Guo, Z., Afonso, J.C., Handley, H., Dai, H., Yang, Y., Chen, J.Y. (2022). Lithosphere-asthenosphere interactions beneath Northeast China and the origin of its intraplate volcanism. Geology 50 (2), 210-215 https://doi.org/10.1130/G49375.1
Turner, S., Handley, H., Hesse, P., Schaefer, B., Dosseto, T (2021). The age of dust - a new hydrological indicator in arid environments? Geology. https://doi.org/10.1130/G48592.1
*Wu, L., Isley, C.F., Taylor, M., Handley, H.K. (2021). Atmospheric sources of anthropogenic and lithogenic trace metals in Australian lichens and fungi. Anthropocene. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ancene.2021.100279
McGee, L., Reagan, M.K., Turner, S., Sparks, S.J., Handley, H.K., Didonna, R., Berlo, K., Hansen, S., Barclay, J. (2021). U-series histories of magmatic volatile phase and enclave development at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat. Chemical Geology, 599, 119957. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119957
Firth, C., Turner, S., Handley, H.K., Reagan, M.K., Turner, M.B., Cronin, S.J., Girard, G., Smith, I.E. (2021). Rapid magmatic processes drive persistently active volcanism. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 380-381, 105868. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105868
Handley, H.K., Hillman, J., Finch, M., Ubide, T., Kachovich, S., McLaren, S., Petts, A., Purandare, J., Foote, A., Tiddy, C. (2020). In Australasia, gender is still on the agenda in geosciences. Advances in Geosciences (ADGEO) 53, 205–226. https://doi.org/10.5194/adgeo-53-205-2020
McGee, L., Reagan, M., Handley, H., Turner, S., Sparks, S., Berlo, K., Barclay, J., Turner, M. (2019). Volatile behaviour in the 1995-2010 eruption of the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat recorded by U-series disequilibria. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 524: 115730.
*Goode, L.R., Handley, H.K., Cronin, S.J., Abdurrachman, M. (2019). Insights into eruption dynamics from the pyroclastic deposits of Kelut volcano, Java, Indonesia. and implications for future hazards. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 382, 6-23.
McGee, L., Morgado, E., Brahm, R., Parada, M-A., Vinet, N., Lara, L., Flores, A., Turner, M., Handley, H., Nowell, G. (2019). Stratigraphically controlled sampling captures the onset of highly fluid-fluxed melting at San Jorge volcano, Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 174 (12) 102.
Handley, H.K., Reagan, M., Gertisser, R., Preece, K., Berlo, K., Barclay, J., Herd, R. (2018). Timescales of magma ascent and degassing and the role of crustal assimilation at Merapi volcano, Indonesia: constraints from uranium-series and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions in volcanic rocks of the 2006 and 2010 eruptions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 222: 34-52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2017.10.015
McGee, L. E., Brahm, R., Rowe, M., Handley, H., Morgado, E., Lara, L., Turner, M., Vinet, N., Parada. M-A., Valdivia, P., Flores, A. (2017). A geochemical approach to distinguishing competing tectono-magmatic processes preserved in small eruptive centres. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 172, 6, 44.
* Harvey, P., Rouillon, M., Dong, C., Ettler, V., Handley, H., Taylor, M., Tyson, E., Tennant, P., Telfer, V., Trinh, R. (2017). Geochemical sources, forms and phases of soil contamination in an industrial city. Science of the Total Environment 584, 505-514.
Reagan, M., Turner, S., Handley, H., Turner, M., Beier, C., Caulfield, J., Peate, D. (2017). 210Pb-226Ra disequilibria in young gas-laden magmas. Nature Scientific Reports 7, 45186.
* Wu, L., Taylor, M., Handley, H. (2017). Remobilisation of industrial lead depositions in ash during Australian wildfires. Science of the Total Environment 599-600, 1233-1240.
* Harvey, P.J., Taylor, M.P., Handley, H.K., Foster, S., Gillings, M.R., Asher, A.J. (2017). Chemical, biological, and DNA markers for tracing slaughterhouse effluent. Environmental Pollution 156, 534-541
Chabaux, F., Handley, H., Hamelin, B. & Hilaire-Marcel, C. (2016). Deciphering time-dependent processes in soil and weathering profile evolution. Chemical Geology 446, 1-2.
* Harvey, P., Handley, H., Taylor, M. (2016) Widespread copper and lead contamination of household drinking water, New South Wales, Australia. Environmental Research 151, 275-285.
* Wu, L., Taylor, M., Handley, H., Wu, M. (2016). Australian atmospheric lead deposition reconstructed using lead concentrations and isotopic compositions of archival lichen and fungi. Environmental Pollution 208, Pages 678–687.
* Firth, C.W., Handley, H.K., Turner, S.P., Cronin, S.J., Smith, I.E. (2016). Variable conditions of magma storage and differentiation with links to eruption style at Ambrym Volcano, Vanuatu. Journal of Petrology.
* Wu, L., Taylor, M., Handley. H., Gulson, B. (2016). Insights into past atmospheric lead emissions using lead concentrations and isotope compositions in historic lichens and fungi (1852-2008) from central and southern Victoria, Australia. Atmospheric Envrionment 139, 46-55.
* Harvey, P.J., Taylor, M.P, Grant-Vest, S., Kristensen, L.J., Rouillon, M., Wu, L., Handley, H.K. (2015). Evaluation and assessment of the efficacy of a lead abatement strategy in a former smelter community. Environmental geochemistry and health, 1-14.
* Firth, C., Cronin, S., Turner, S., Handley, H., Gaildry, C., Smith, I. (2015). Dynamics and pre-eruptive conditions of catastrophic, ignimbrite-producing eruptions from the Yenkahe Caldera, Vanuatu. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 308, 39-60.
* Harvey, P.J., Taylor, M.P., Handley, H.K. (2015). Widespread environmental contamination hazards in agricultural soils from the use of lead joints in above ground large-scale water supply pipelines. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 226: 178. doi: 10.1007/s11270-015-2397-3
* Harvey, P.J., Handley, H.K., Taylor, M.P. (2015). Identification of the sources of metal (lead) contamination in drinking waters in north-eastern Tasmania using lead isotopic compositions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 12276-12288 doi: 10.1007/s11356-015-4349-2
* Suresh, P.O., Dosseto, A., Hesse, P.P., Handley, H.K. (2014). Very long hillslope transport timescales determined from uranium-series isotopes in river sediments from a large, tectonically stable catchment. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 142, 442-457. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.07.033
* Firth, C.W., Handley, H., Cronin, S., Turner, S. (2014) The Eruptive History and Chemical Stratigraphy of a Post-Caldera, Steady-State Volcano: Yasur, Vanuatu. Bulletin of Volcanology 76, 837. doi: 10.1007/s00445-014-0837-3
Handley, H.K., Blichert-Toft, J., Gertisser, R., Macpherson, C.G., Turner, S., Zaennudin, A., Abdurrachman, M. (2014). Insights from Pb and O isotopes into along-arc variations in subduction inputs and crustal assimilation for volcanic rocks in Java, Sunda arc, Indonesia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 139, 205-266. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.04.025
* Suresh, P.O., Dosseto, A., Handley, H.K., Hesse, P.P. (2014). Assessment of a sequential extraction procedure for uranium-series isotope analysis of soils and sediments. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 83, 47-55.
McGee, L. E., Smith, I.E.M., Millet, M.-A., Handley, H.K., Lindsay, J.M. (2013). Asthenospheric control of melting processes in a monogenetic basaltic system: A case study of the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand. Journal of Petrology.54, 2125-2153. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egt043.
* Suresh, P.O., Dosseto, A., Hesse, P.P., Handley, H.K. (2013). Soil formation rates determined from uranium-series isotope disequilibria in soil profiles from the south-eastern Australian highlands. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 379, 26-37.
Handley, H.K., Turner, S., Dosseto, A., Haberlah, D., Afonso, J.C. (2013). Considerations for U-series dating of sediments: insights from the Flinders Ranges, South Australia. Chemical Geology, 340, 40-48. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.12.003.
Turner, M., Reagan, M., Turner, S., Sparks, S., Handley, H.K., Girard, G., Suh, C.E. (2013). Timescales of magma degassing: insights from U-series disequilibria, Mount Cameroon, West Africa. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 262, 38-46.doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2013.06.003.
Handley, H.K., Turner, S., Afonso, J.C., Dosseto, A., Cohen, T. (2013). Sediment residence times constrained by uranium-series isotopes: a critical appraisal of the comminution approach. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 103, 245-262. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.10.047.
Caulfield, J., Turner, S., Arculus, R., Dale, C., Jenner, F., Pearce, J., Macpherson, C., Handley, H. (2012). Mantle flow, volatiles, slab-surface temperatures and melting dynamics in the north Tonga arc - Lau back-arc basin. Journal of Geophysical Research 117, B11209. doi: 10.1029/2012JB009526.
Turner, S., Caulfield, J., Rushmer, T., Turner, M., Cronin, S., Smith, I., Handley, H. (2012). Magma evolution in the primitive, intra-oceanic Tonga arc: rapid petrogenesis of dacites at Fonualei volcano. Journal of Petrology 53, 1231-1253. doi:10.1093/petrology/egs005
Gertisser, R., Self, S., Thomas, L., Handley, H.K., van Carlsteren, P., Wolff, J.A. (2012). Processes and timescales of magma genesis and differentiation leading to the great Tambora eruption in 1815. Journal of Petrology 53, 271-297.
Handley, H.K., Turner, S., Berlo, K., Beier, C., Saal, A. (2011) Insights into the Galápagos plume from Uranium-series isotopes of recently erupted basalts. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3) 12, Q0AC14. doi:10.1029/2011GC003676
Handley, H.K., Turner, S., Macpherson, C.G. & Davidson, J.P., Gertisser, R. (2011) Hf-Nd isotope and trace element constraints on subduction inputs at island arcs: limitations of Hf anomalies as sediment input indicators. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 304, 212-223. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.01.034
Price, R.C., Turner, S., Cook, C., Hobden, B., Smith, I.E.M., Gamble, J.A., Handley, H.K., Maas, R., Möbis, A. (2010). Crustal and mantle influences and U-Th-Ra disequilibrium in andesitic lavas of Ngauruhoe volcano, New Zealand. Chemical Geology 277, 355-373. doi:10.1016/ j.chemgeo.2010.08.021.
Handley, H.K., Macpherson, C.G., Davidson, J.P. (2010). Geochemical and Sr-O isotopic constraints on magmatic differentiation at Gede Volcanic Complex, West Java, Indonesia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 159, 885-908. doi: 10.1007/s00410-009-0460-z.
Handley, H.K., Turner, S.P., Smith, I.E.M., Stewart, R.B., Cronin, S.J. (2008). Rapid timescales of differentiation and evidence for crustal contamination at intra-oceanic arcs: geochemical and U-Th-Ra-Sr-Nd isotopic constraints from Lopevi Volcano, Vanuatu, SW Pacific. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 273, 184-194. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.06.032.
Handley, H.K., Davidson, J.P., Macpherson, C.G. (2008). Untangling differentiation in arc lavas: constraints from unusual minor and trace element variations at Salak Volcano, Indonesia. Chemical Geology 255, 360-376. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2008.07.007.
Handley, H.K., Macpherson, C.G., Davidson, J.P., Berlo, K., Lowry, D. (2007). Constraining fluid and sediment contributions to subduction-related magmatism in Indonesia: Ijen Volcanic Complex, Indonesia. Journal of Petrology 48, 1155-1183. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egm013.
Davidson, J., Turner, S., Handley, H., Macpherson, C., Dosseto, A. (2007). Amphibole "sponge" in arc crust? Geology 35, 787-790. doi: 10.1130%2FG23637A.1.
Non Peer-reviewed Publications
Handley, H., Horner, J. (2023). ‘Like blood, then turned into darkness’: how medieval manuscripts link lunar eclipses, volcanoes and climate change. https://theconversation.com/like-blood-then-turned-into-darkness-how-medieval-manuscripts-link-lunar-eclipses-volcanoes-and-climate-change-203185
Handley, H. (2022). A volcano is erupting again in Iceland. Is climate change causing more eruptions?. https://theconversation.com/a-volcano-is-erupting-again-in-iceland-is-climate-change-causing-more-eruptions-187858
Handley, H. (2021). Photos from the field: the stunning crystals revealing deep secrets about Australian volcanoes. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/photos-from-the-field-the-stunning-crystals-revealing-deep-secrets-about-australian-volcanoes-161176
Handley, H. (2021). Australia’s volcanoes in the spotlight. Geological Society of Australia, The Australian Geologist (TAG) magazine, 200, September 2021 Edition.
Handley, H. (2020). The Women in Earth and Environmental Sciences Australasia (WOMEESA) Network. Geological Society of Australia, The Australian Geologist (TAG) magazine, March 2020 Edition.
Handley, H., Magill, C. (2019). How Qantas and other airlines decide whether to fly near volcanoes. The Conversation. http://theconversation.com/how-qantas-and-other-airlines-decide-whether-to-fly-near-volcanoes-117899 (7,304 reads at 27/01/2020)
Handley, H.K., van Otterloo, J., Cas, R. (2018). Would an eruption in Melbourne really match Hawaii’s volcanoes: here’s the evidence. The Conversation https://theconversation.com/would-an-eruption-in-melbourne-really-match-hawaiis-volcanoes-heres-the-evidence-101675 (55,943 reads at 27/01/2020)
Handley, H.K. (2018). From Kilauea to Fuego: three things you should know about volcano risk. The Conversation http://theconversation.com/from-kilauea-to-fuego-three-things-you-should-know-about-volcano-risk-97775 (14,069 reads at 27/01/2020)
Handley, H.K. (2018). Five active volcanoes on my Asia Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’ watch-list right now. The Conversation https://theconversation.com/five-active-volcanoes-on-my-asia-pacific-ring-of-fire-watch-list-right-now-90618 (47,402 reads at 27/01/2020)
Handley, H.K. (2018). Curious Kids: Why do volcanoes erupt? The Conversation https://theconversation.com/curious-kids-why-do-volcanoes-erupt-98251 (36,840 reads at 27/01/2020)
Handley, H.K. (2017). Mount Agung continues to rumble with warnings the volcano could still erupt. The Conversation: http://theconversation.com/mount-agung-continues-to-rumble-with-warnings-the-volcano-could-still-erupt-85825 (28,792 reads at 27/01/2020)
Handley, H.K. (2017). Gunung Agung terus bergemuruh dan masih mungkin akan melatus The Conversation (Indonesian) http://theconversation.com/gunung-agung-terus-bergemuruh-dan-masih-mungkin-akan-meletus-85985 (750 reads at 27/01/2020)
Handley, H.K. (2016). Want to inspire kids to learn STEM? Get them to build a robot. The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/want-to-inspire-kids-to-learn-stem-get-them-to-build-a-robot-56418 (8,063 reads at 27/01/2020)
Handley, H.K., Turner, S. (2014). The frontiers of uranium-series research: uranium-series symposium, Sydney, Australia, 12-14th February 2014. Meeting report. Eos 94, 178. doi: 10.1002/2014EO210006
Handley, H.K. (2013). Ticking Bombs: The Triggering of Explosive Volcanic Eruptions. Journal of the Science Teachers’ Association of New South Wales, Science Education News 62, 242-247.
Handley, H.K., Turner, S. (2012). Book review of "Frontiers in Geochemistry: contribution of geochemistry to the study of the Earth", eds. R.S. Harmon and A. Parker. American Mineralogist 97, 2075-2076.
Conference and Workshop Organisation
2025: NAC Session Convenor
2025: IAVCEI Scientific Assembly: Co-Convenor of proposed geoheritage session
2024: Presentations skills training. Faculty ITC P-NUT, University of Twente
2024: Change the Climate - Change the Dialogue International Symposium, Lead organiser
2024: Female Faculty Network Annual Conference Co-organiser and Panel Discussion Chair
2023: International NEEDS Conference
2023: Presentation Skills Workshop: Faculty ITC, University of Twente
2022-3: Goldschmidt Theme Co-Chair: Volcanism in the Earth system
2022: Presentation Skills Workshop: Faculty ITC, University of Twente
2023: IAVCEI Scientific Assembly: Traditional knowledge and its value in understanding past and present volcanism. Co-Convenor.
2023: IAVCEI Scientific Assembly: Source to surface magma transport, eruption processes and deposits at small-volume intraplate basaltic volcanic Provinces. Lead Convenor.
2021: AESC session: Advances in understanding volcanic and magmatic processes. Co-Convenor.
2021: AESC Invited Chair and Panellist for session: ‘Aboriginal History and its Influence on Science’.
2020: Online Symposium on Australian intraplate volcanic and magmatic systems: Source to surface and beyond. Lead Organiser – 25 speakers and 168 attendees.
2020: Cities on Volcanoes 11 (accepted session proposal): Source to surface magma transport at small-volume intraplate basaltic volcanoes. Lead Convenor
2019: WOMEESA Writing Workshop Co-Organiser, Brisbane
2018: Australian Geoscience Council Convention (AGCC) Session Convener: Advances in Volcanology and Igneous Geochemistry
2018: AGCC Workshop, Lead Organiser: Women in Earth and Environmental Sciences Australasia (WOMEESA) Mentoring Workshop.
2018: WOMEESA NSW Networking event, Lead Organiser: Navigating Careers in EES
2014: 1st Workshop for Early- to Mid-Career Geoscientists, Australia, Organising Committee.
2014: Uranium-series International Symposium, Sydney, Australia. Lead Organiser:
2014: Cities on Volcanoes (COV8) Session Co-ordinator (The links between magmatic evolution and volcanic forecasting: insights from field, experimental, geochemical and numerical studies at arc volcanoes)
2014: Goldschmidt Session Co-ordinator (New Advances in Subduction Zone Magma Genesis)
2014: Goldschmidt Session Co-ordinator (Integrated Studies of Magmatic Systems in Time and Space)
2014: Goldschmidt Theme Team Member (Melts, Glasses, Magmas)
2013: IAVCEI Session Co-ordinator and Convener (Insights into magma chamber processes and volcanic forecasting from combined petrological and timescale information)
2011: Goldschmidt Session Co-ordinator and Convener (Timescales of magma evolution, degassing, and ascent through the crust)
2011: Goldschmidt Theme Team Member (Geochemistry of volcanic systems and natural hazards)
Journal and Grant Application Reviewer/Editor
Co-Editor in Chief, Earth and Planetary Science Letters (EPSL) (2019-2021)
Associate Editor: American Mineralogist (2015-2020): Special Section: New advances in subduction zone magma genesis.
Guest Associate Editor: Chemical Geology (2015-2016): Deciphering time-dependent processes in soil and weathering profile evolution (Special Volume).
Journal reviewer (2007-present):
Geology, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Journal of Petrology, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Chemical Geology, Mineralogy and Petrology, Island Arc, Lithos, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Geoheritage.
Grant/Award application reviewer:
ARC DECRA grant application assessor (2013 - ongoing), NSF grant application assessor (2012 - ongoing), ANZIC grant application assessor (2012), Earth Observatory of Singapore internal competitive grant assessor, Macquarie University Panel Judge: Research Excellence Awards (2014).
Analytical Experience
Uranium-Series Laboratory Manager, Macquarie University 2009-2012
2D Micro-XRF (Bruker M4 Tornado)
Preparation of samples, data analysis and processing (Macquarie University, Australia).
FEG-SEM-EDS and NanoMin software
Preparation of samples, data analysis and processing (Macquarie University, Australia).
Portable-XRF Analyser (Olympus DELTA and VANTA models)
Certified user, sample preparation and analysis (Macquarie University, Australia).
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) (Zeiss EVO MA15)
Preparation, surface texture analysis of sediments and volcanic rocks.
Electron Probe Microanalyser (Cameca SX100)
Mineral major and trace element analysis (NERC facility, University of Manchester, UK and Macquarie University, Australia).
XRF Spectrometer (Automated Philips PW2404)
Preparation of fused glass discs for major element analysis (University of Edinburgh, UK).
Multi-collector Plasma Mass Spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) (ThermoElectron Neptune and Nu34)
Sr-Nd-Hf and U-Th isotope sample dissolution and analysis (Durham University, UK and Macquarie University, Australia).
α-Counting System (Ortec Octete Plus)
210Pb isotope sample preparation and analysis (Macquarie University, Australia).
Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometer (TIMS) (ThermoElectron Triton)
Sr-Nd and Ra isotope sample dissolution and analysis (Macquarie University, Australia).
Laser Fluorination-MS (LaserPrep system, VG Optima)
Preparation of mineral separates (Durham University, UK). Oxygen isotope analysis of mineral separates (Royal Holloway, University of London).
Quadropole-ICPMS (Perkin Elmer-Sciex Elan 6000)
Preparation and analysis of whole rock powders for trace element concentrations (Durham University, UK).
Sedigraph (Micromeritics Sedigraph III)
Preparation and analysis of sediment samples for particle size distribution determination (Macquarie University, Australia).
Sequential leaching of sediments
Removal of organic, Fe-Mn oxide, carbonate and clay material using sequential extraction techniques (Macquarie University, Australia).
Polarising microscope; rock saw; steel-jaw crusher; agate ball mill; dry- and wet-sieving sediment techniques
Selected Field Experience
2019: Auckland Volcanic Field and Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
2019: Atherton Volcanic Province, northeastern Australia
2019: Newer Volcanics Province, southeastern Australia
2013 and 2016: Volcanology of New Zealand (Auckland Volcanic Field and Taupo Volcanic Zone)
2009: Sample collection of alluvial sediments, Flinders Range, South Australia.
2009: Water and rock sampling at Ambyrm Volcano and Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu, SW Pacific.
2008: Effusive to Explosive Volcanism of the Garibaldi Volcanic Complex (Canada).
2007: Field geology of Dunedin Volcano, Southland Coast and Fjordland (New Zealand).
2006: VMSG field trip to Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain).
2004: Field Seminar Demonstrator, Western USA.
2004: Field Demonstrator SE Spain.
2003: Volcanic and plutonic rocks of Skye (Scotland).
2002: Field study and petrologic sampling of Gede and Salak volcanoes (Java, Indonesia).
2001: Field geology of the Tertiary Volcanic Complex, Mull (Scotland).
2001: Field geology of the Troodos Ophiolite (Cyprus).
2000: Geological mapping project Kephalonia (Greece)
2000: Sedimentary rocks, inc. hydrocarbon reservoirs of Whitby (England)
1999: Field geology and mapping of igneous and metamorphic rocks, Assynt (Scotland).
1998: Mesozoic geology of the Dorset Coast (England)
1997: Igneous and Sedimentary geology of Arran (Scotland)
Teaching, Research Training and Supervision
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney (2009-present)
GEOS125: Earth Dynamics. Lectures on intrusive rocks and volcanoes and volcanic hazards. Class and fieldtrip tutor.
GEOS188/1910: Advanced Earth and Environmental Sciences I. Course Convenor and supervisor of a student project.
GEOS207: Field and Laboratory Studies in Geoscience. Lectures and practicals on volcanology and igneous petrology.
GEOS2130: Marine sediments. Workshop tutor and 5 day fieldtrip tutor to south coast of NSW
GEOS272: Geology of Australia. Lecturer and practical class tutor
GEOS343: Magmas, Ores and Geochemistry. Lectures on arc magmatism.
GEOS373: Volcanic Geology. Field course in New Zealand. Convenor and Co-leader.
GEOS375: Environmental Geology. Course Convener, Lecturer and practical class tutor for internal and external students.
GEOS3090: Earth and Environmental Sciences Special Interest Seminar. Course Convenor and Supervisor of a student project.
GEOS348/3080 PACE (Professional and Community Engagement) Semester-long Student Project Supervision. Supervised 2 students in 2021, 4 students in 2020, 3 students in 2019.
Master of Research Program Co-Ordinator 2015-2016 (MRes Years 1 and 2)
Research Planning Unit: Masters of Research, Year 2: Course Convenor and Tutor.
GEOS883: Studies in Environmental Geology. Course Convener and lecturer.
GEOS800: Earth Science Project. Supervisor of 5 student projects on the topics of volcano geochemistry, contaminated land, land capability assessment and hydrogeology.
GEOS881: Selected Coursework. Supervisor for two student projects.
GEOS899: Geoscience Research Topic. Supervisor for a research project on land capability.
GEOS7922/8822: Advanced Field and Laboratory Techniques. Course Convenor and Supervisor of two students.
GEOS7711: Research Topics in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Project Supervisor.
Academic Supervisor (Honours):
Miss. Rebecca Griffis: Waitomokia: an investigation into the volcanological and geochemical evolution of phreatomagmatic eruptions (completed 2013).
Mr. Blayne Murhall-Griffith: Volcanology and Geochemistry of Pukeonake and Ohakune, TVZ, New Zealand (completed 2013).
Dr. Chris Firth: Geochemistry of Vanuatu volcanoes (completed 2010 awarded Faculty Medal).
Academic Supervisor (Masters of Research):
Mr. Tom England: Magma Ascent in Australian Intraplate Volcanoes (completed 2023)
Ms. Kelly Vaughan-Taylor: Insights into magma generation and ascent in continental intraplate volcanic field through advanced numerical modelling of melt generation and migration in combination with probabilistic inversions of volcanic rock geochemical data (completed 2020).
Mr. John Wardell: Petrogenesis and evolution of Bromo-Tengger Caldera (completed 2018)
Academic Supervisor (PhD):
Ms. Sandra Samantela: Social acceptence of geothermal energy (2004- present)
Ms. April Foote: Eruption dynamics and evolution of monogenetic volcanism and the fragile balance of anthropogenic interaction in the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand (completed 2023)
Dr. Rosa Didonna: A window into magmatic systems: mineralogical constraints on the nature and timing of magma interactions and ascent (completed 2020).
Dr. Louise Goode: Volcanological and geochemical evolution of East Javanese Volcanoes, Indonesia (completed 2018).
Dr. Paul Harvey: Fingerprinting environmental pollution: geochemical and isotopic approaches (completed 2017 – awarded Vice Chancellor’s Commendation).
Dr. Liqin Wu: The measurement and analysis of industrial lead sources using Australian wildfires and historic lichen archives (completed 2016).
Dr. Chris Firth: Integrating the volcanological and magmatic record from a young arc volcano: Yasur, Vanuatu (completed 2015).
Dr. Suresh Puthiyaveetil Othayoth: The behaviour of U-series isotopes during chemical weathering and soil formation (completed 2013).
Academic Supervisor (Postdoctoral Researcher):
Dr. Elinor Meredith: Global volcanic risk (2024-present)
Dr. Rosa Didonna: Magma ascent timescales in small-volume continental basaltic volcanic fields (2019-2021).
Dr. Lucy McGee: Magma degassing timescales at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat (2016-2018)
Supervision of Research Assistants:
Ms. Tahlia Sexton (2019)
Ms. Jen Bratchell (2019)
Ms. Rosa Didonna (2014-2015)
Miss. Rebecca Griffis (2014)
Ms. Rachel Bezard (2014)
Dr. Mel Murphy (2013)
Dr. Suresh Puthiyaveetil Othayoth (2013)
Department of Earth Sciences, Durham University (2001-2006)
Teaching Assistant
Undergraduate 1st to 4th year courses in Ores, Magmatism and Volcanology, Earth Materials (including crystallography, optics, igneous and metamorphic petrology and sedimentology), How the Earth Works.
Lab Supervisor
Taught and supervised geochemical analytical techniques to undergraduates and postgraduates.
Field Course Demonstrator and Logistics Coordinator
2004 - Field seminar, Western USA
2004 - Field Course to SE Spain
2003 - Field Course to Skye, Scotland: Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology and Volcanology
Teaching Fellow (February 2005-February 2006)
This position involved spending two days a week for a year at Staindrop School, County Durham, working with teachers to raise the scientific awareness and aspirations of pupils. Taught lessons in Earth Science and Chemistry to Y7-Y11 students, both independently and as part of a team. Organised and ran a large variety of extracurricular science activities for students.
Postgraduate Thesis Examinations:
Ms. Catherine Brown, QUT, Australia (MPhil 2023)
Dr. Marianne Richter, Monash University, Australia (PhD, 2019)
Dr. Louise Schoneveld, ANU, Australia (PhD, 2018)
Dr. Daniel Krimer, Earth Observatory of Singapore (PhD, 2015)
Mr. Marek Rouillon, Macquarie University (Honours, 2012)
Mr. Matt Robertson, Macquarie University (Honours, 2010)
Miss. Suzie Schwartz, Macquarie University (Honours, 2010)
Media Contributions
Television and Video
2024: TV Documentary Interview for a French TV Channel (to be released 2025)
2024: EO Africa R&D Facility video voice over https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lyani2j_mVA
2023: BBC News: Live interview on Icelandic volcanic activity (20 Dec)
2023: Sky News: Live interview on Icelandic volcanic activity (25 Nov)
2023: SBS: Great Australian Walks, Episode 4 Kiama Coastal Walk
2023: ‘The Project’ Network Ten: Newer Volcanics Province (filmed 6-8 Feb, aired 14 Feb) https://youtu.be/2TLBWGwM2Gg
2022: ABC News: Live interview on Semeru volcano (5 Dec)
2022: RMC Découverte: Interview on volcanoes (7 Nov)
2022: Al Jazeera The Stream Pre-recorded interview on the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’pai eruption (20 Jan) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2z8NLghUpg at ~17:35
2022: Al Jazeera International. Live interview on the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’pai eruption (18 Jan)
2021: BBC World Television Newsday: Live interview on volcanoes in Indonesia (14 Dec)
2021: Global News Toronto: Live interview on the Mt Semeru eruption (10 Dec)
2021: ABC News The World: Live interview on the Mt Semeru eruption (8 Dec)
2021: Superstars of STEM Impact Video: Pre-recorded interview
2021: Al Jazeera International. Live interview on the pumice washed ashore in Japan (30 Oct)
2021: ABC News. Live interview STEM workforce survey in Australia (11 Oct)
2021: Al Jazeera International. Live interview on the Cumbre Vieja eruption in La Palma eruption (4 Oct)
2021: SBS News. Interview on the eruption at La Soufriere, St. Vincent (12 April).
2020: Hosted and participated in filming for Channel 9’s ‘60 Mintues’ series ‘Under Investigation’ with Presenter Liz Hayes.
2019: National Geographic: Invited scientist for two TV documentary episodes
2019: ‘The Living Room’ Network Ten (Pre-recorded TV interview, 16 October 2018; Aired 12 July 2019 https://10play.com.au/the-living-room/episodes/season-8/episode-16/tpv190711tzodk ~25 mins)
2018: Al Jazeera English Channel (Live TV interview, via Skype 27 December)
2018: Al Jazeera English Channel (Live TV interview, via Skype 23 December)
2018: ‘The Project’ Network Ten (Pre-recorded TV interview, 6 June) https://tenplay.com.au/channel-ten/the-project/2018/6/6 (at ~35 minutes)
2018: ABC News on Sinabung volcano, Sumatra (Live TV interview 18 February) https://twitter.com/abcnews/status/965798273553522688
2017: BBC World News on Agung volcano, Bali (Live TV interview, via Skype 27 November)
2017: ABC News 24 ‘The World’ on Agung volcano, Bali (Live TV interview): https://twitter.com/abcnews/status/935104362874945536
2017: Weekend Sunrise Channel 7 on Agung volcano, Bali (Live TV interview, 24 September): https://au.tv.yahoo.com/plus7/sunrise/-/watch/37203758/bali-volcano-warning/
2017: ABC News Breakfast on Agung volcano, Bali (Live TV interview, 26 September)
2017: Sky News on Agung volcano, Bali (Live TV interview, 26 September)
2017: Sky News on Agung volcano, Bali (Live TV interview, 29 September)
2017: Macquarie University video interview for general release on Agung volcano, Bali (3 October) https://www.facebook.com/macquarieuni/videos/10154800965751990/
2012: Discovery Science Channel. ‘How the Earth Works’. Invited Scientist in a documentary on Krakatau Volcano
2011: STEMNERD project with NSW high school students https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEoPMhf99hg
Blog Contributions
2018: WOMEESA at the Australian Geoscience Council Convention, 14-18th October 2018 https://www.womeesa.net/blogpage/2018/10/21/womeesa-at-the-australian-geoscience-council-convention-14-18th-october-2018
2018: Heather Handley: An academic mama https://www.capstoneediting.com.au/blog/heather-handley-an-academic-mama
Radio Interviews and Podcasts
2024: ABC Imagine This podcast: What are rocks made of? https://www.abc.net.au/kidslisten/programs/imagine-this/what-are-rocks-made-of-/104161664
2024: ABC Radio Sydney, Self-Improvement Wednesday. Live radio interview and podcast about how volcanoes influence art and culture (19 Jun): https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/sydney-drive/siw-volcanoes/103999510
2024: BBC World Service CrowdScience Could climate change lead to more volcanic eruptions? (29 March) https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w3ct4y5l
2023: VolcaKnowledge podcast with Sam Mitchell https://www.volcaknowledge.com/home/episode/2c7bf498/s2-ep8-volcanoes-down-under-with-heather-handley
2023: ABC Radio, Overnights: Live interview on Campi Flegrei and other volcanoes (21 October) https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/overnights/overnights/102978166
2023: ABC Radio Weekends with Andrea Gibbs: Live radio interview on volcanology (16 September) https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/weekends/weekends/102836656 at 1 hr 23 sec
2023: ABC Illawarra: Pre-recorded interview on past volcanic activity in Kiama and Bombo (30 August) https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/illawarra-breakfast/illawarra-breakfast/102779482 at 1 hr 23 sec
2023: ABC Radio Sydney, Self-Improvement Wednesday. Live radio interview and podcast about the 1883 eruption of Krakatau (05 July) https://www.abc.net.au/sydney/programs/drive/siw-krakatoa/102566976
2023: ABC Radio, Overnights: Live interview https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/overnights/overnights/102519202 (29 June)
2023: ABC Radio, Nightlife: https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/nightlife/tongan-volcano-rewriting-our-scientific-understanding/101925012 (2 Feb)
2022: ABC Radio National: Pre-record interview on volcanoes (19 Dec)
2022: ABC Radio Sydney, Self-Improvement Wednesday. Radio interview and podcast ‘Could a volcano pop up in your own backyard’ (09 Nov) https://www.abc.net.au/sydney/programs/drive/siw-how-are-volcanoes-born/101635926
2022: Eastside Radio: Live interview on volcanoes (5 Sept)
2022: ABC Radio National Science Friction. Pre-recorded interview on volcanoes (29 August, aired 2 Sept) https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/sciencefriction/science-friction-fire-of-love-volcano-film-krafft/14035904
2022: Gneiss Chats: podcast on volcanoes (25 August) https://www.travelinggeologist.com/podcast/volcanoes
2022: 2SER. Pre-recorded interview on volcanoes and climate (23 August)
2022: ABC Regional Drive South Australia and Broken Hill. Live interview. Myth-busting volcanoes (22 August)
2022: ABC Radio Victoria and Western Australia Evenings Show. Live interview on volcanoes (9 August)2022: 2 x podcast interviews in production (coming soon)
2022: 4BC Brisbane. Live interview (23 July)
2022: ABC Radio National Science Show Pre-recorded interview about geoscience and the Earth Futures Festival (21 May) https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/scienceshow/there%E2%80%99s-more-to-geoscience-than-mining/13891320
2022: ABC Radio Sydney, Self Improvement Wednesday. Radio interview and podcast on Australia’s volcanoes (23 Feb) https://www.abc.net.au/radio/sydney/programs/self-improvement-wednesday/siw-feb-23-volcanoes/13767704
2022: ABC Radio National Science Show Pre-recorded interview about geoscience in Australia and the Earth Futures Festival (22 Jan) https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/scienceshow/geology-departments-becoming-smaller-or-closing/13723602
2022: Morning Wave in Busan: Live interview on the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Hunga-Ha’apai eruption (19 Jan) http://www.befm.or.kr/program/template.php?midx=89&pg=morning&cn=morning_sp&mode=view&page=1&intnum=31331
2022: ABC News Radio Live interview on the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Hunga-Ha’apai eruption (18 Jan)
2022: ABC Radio AM Program Pre-recorded interview on the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Hunga-Ha’apai eruption (18 Jan)
2022: ABC Radio Sydney Live interview on the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Hunga-Ha’apai eruption (17 Jan) https://www.abc.net.au/radio/sydney/programs/drive/volcanologist_explains_tonga_volcano/13708372
2022: ABC Radio Regional Queensland: Live interview on the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Hunga-Ha’apai eruption (17 Jan)
2022: 2GB Pre-recorded interview on the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Hunga-Ha’apai eruption (16 Jan)2021: RRR Live interview on volcanoes and geoscience (17 Oct) https://www.rrr.org.au/explore/podcasts/einstein-a-go-go/episodes/5434-naming-insects-child-mental-health-after-lockdown-and-volcanoes
2021: ABC Radio National Live Interview on the eruption of Mt Semeru (6 Dec)
2021: RRR Live interview on volcanoes and geoscience (17 Oct) https://www.rrr.org.au/explore/podcasts/einstein-a-go-go/episodes/5434-naming-insects-child-mental-health-after-lockdown-and-volcanoes
2021: ABC Radio AM interview on the current challenges facing scientists in Australia (11 Oct)
2021: 2HD Live interview on the La Palma eruption (20 Sept) https://www.2hd.com.au/2021/09/20/volcano-scientist
2021: 2BS 95.1 FM Live interview on Australia’s volcanoes for National Science Week (18 Aug)
2021: ABC Radio North East Live interview on Tweed volcano in northern NSW (15 July)
2021: ABC Radio South East SA Pre-recorded interview on what volcanic minerals from Mt Gambier can tell us about how magma travels to the surface from deep below the surface (15 March)
2021: ABC Radio South East SA Pre-recorded interview on current research carried out to understand the Australian Public’s perceptions of volcanic hazards and risk (1 Feb)
2020: ABC Radio National Live interview on the latest eruptions at Ili Lewotolok and Semeru volcanoes in Indonesia (2 Dec) https://www.abc.net.au/radio/newsradio/thousands-evacuate-in-indonesia-over-volcano-fears/12941658
2020: ABC Radio Melbourne: 25 minute interview on Stromboli volcano with public phone in
2020: Mamamia That’s Incredible Podcast: ‘Science’ episode on volcanoes (at ~8 min) https://www.mamamia.com.au/podcasts/thats-incredible/science/
2019: 2SER radio interview on can we really predict a volcanic eruption (21 Dec) https://2ser.com/can-we-really-predict-a-volcanic-eruption/
2019: The Wire: pre-recorded radio interview on White Island (12 Dec) http://thewire.org.au/story/the-science-behind-the-white-island-volcano-eruption-and-what-to-expect-next/
2019: 2GB radio interview on the 2019 White Island eruption (10 Dec) https://www.2gb.com/no-way-to-escape-tourists-shouldnt-have-been-allowed-on-dangerous-white-island
2019: ABC Radio The World Today: interview on the 2019 White Island eruption (10 Dec) https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/worldtoday/nz-volcano:-should-tourists-have-been-warned-of-the-dangers/11783952
2019: 2SER interview on pacific ocean pumice raft (Live Interview 31st August) https://2ser.com/a-pumice-raft-is-floating-towards-the-great-barrier-reef/
2019: ABC Kids Listen podcast: Why do volcanoes erupt? https://www.abc.net.au/kidslisten/imagine-this/why-do-volcanoes-erupt/11038274
2018: ABC RN Breakfast on Krakatau volcano and the tsunami (Live interview, 27 December): https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/breakfast/anak-krakatoa-continues-to-threaten/10669528
2018: ABC Radio Australia on the impacts of volcanic ash in Ambae, Vanuatu (Pre-recorded interview 6 August)
2018: ABC Radio ‘Overnights’ Program (Live 1 hour interview, 8 June): http://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/overnights/overnights/9826850
2018: ABC Radio RN Drive (Prerecorded interview, 4 June) http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/drive/volcano-erupts-in-guatemala/9833454
2018: ABC Radio ‘Nightlife’ (Live 1 hour interview, 22 February)
2017: ABC Radio Kimberley (Live interview, 27 November)
2017: ABC Far North Queensland (Live interview, 25 September)
2017: 6PR Perth (Live interview, 25 September) https://www.6pr.com.au/podcast/heather-handley-perth-live/
2017: 3AW Radio Melbourne (Live interview, 26 September)
2017: 2SER (Live interview, 26 September) http://2ser.com/bali-volcano-alert/
2017: ABC Perth (Prerecorded interview, 26 September)
2017: ABC Podcast for ‘Tell me Straight’ (26 September) http://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/tell-me-straight/how-do-volcanoes-work/8989002
2017: 3AW Drive (Live interview, 26 September)
2017: ABC Radio Melbourne (Live interview, 28 September)
2017: FIVEaa in Adelaide (Live interview, 29 September)
2017: ABC Adelaide (Live interview, 2 October)
2017: Lab Rats on 90.7FM (Prerecorded interview, 29 January)
Media releases
2021: Australia Post media release: https://newsroom.auspost.com.au/article/australia-s-volcanic-history-on-display-with-new-stamp-issue-from-australia-post (13 July)
2017: Contributed to ‘Expert Reaction’ media release. Australian Science Media Centre (AusSMC SciMex, 27 Nov): https://www.scimex.org/newsfeed/expert-reaction-mt-agung-continues-to-erupt
2017: Contributed to ‘Expert Reaction’ media release. Australian Science Media Centre (AusSMC SciMex, 25 Sept): https://www.scimex.org/newsfeed/expert-reaction-likely-eruption-of-balis-mount-agung
Interviews featured in written articles
2024: ABC News: https://amp.abc.net.au/article/104360910
2024: U-Today: https://www.utoday.nl/science/73755/volcanic-eruption-in-iceland-a-constant-worry
2023: ABC News: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-02-11/volcanoes-on-tablelands-2024: queensland-when-could-they-erupt/101952536
2022: Canberra Times: https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/7864152/iceland-volcanic-eruption-a-reminder-of-australias-explosive-past/
2022: ABC News: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-05-16/tonga-volcanic-eruption-largest-recorded/101069416
2022: Cosmos: https://cosmosmagazine.com/earth/earth-sciences/nbt-volcanic-eruption/
2022: IF Magazine: https://if.com.au/unesco-backed-film-festival-aims-to-make-geoscience-accessible/
2022: UK Telegraph: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/tonga-volcano-experts-warn-long-term-health-impacts/
2022: ABC Weather: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-21/how-has-the-tonga-volcano-affected-the-weather-/100532346
2022: SBS World News: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/what-caused-the-volcanic-blast-near-tonga-and-what-might-happen-next/f31aba46-31e8-4b44-9b95-472d703bd376
2022: ABC News: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-17/tonga-volcano-eruption-hunga-tonga-hunga-ha-apai-tsunami-/100761966
2022: Sydney Morning Herald: https://www.smh.com.au/world/oceania/tongan-blast-was-violent-and-vast-but-may-not-disrupt-global-warming-20220117-p59ox7.html
2022: Daily Mail Australia: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10415991/How-Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Haapai-volcanic-eruption-highlights-risk-Australia-faces.html
2022: ABC Science: https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2022-01-18/tonga-volcano-tsunami-hunga-eruption-why-so-big/100761750
2022: The Australian: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/breaking-news/bordering-the-extremely-volcanic-ring-of-fire-australia-may-be-at-risk-from-future-tsunamis/news-story/b3f427dfc43bec9a44acbd481037d7db
2021: Reuters News: interview for article on the Mt Semeru volcanic eruption.
2021: The Financial Review: https://www.afr.com/work-and-careers/education/scientists-abandon-profession-as-morale-job-security-sink-survey-20211008-p58yei
2021: Australia Post: https://australiapostcollectables.com.au/articles/exploring-australias-volcanic-past
2021: Australian Geographic: https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/news/2021/07/australia-post-release-australias-volcanic-past-stamps/
2021: ABC News: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-03-22/scientists-examine-volcanic-rock-in-mount-gambier/100020412
2020: AGU GeoSpace: https://blogs.agu.org/geospace/2019/12/19/survey-reveals-low-awareness-of-volcanic-hazards-in-australia/
2019: ABC News: https://amp.abc.net.au/article/11789282
2019: The Lighthouse: https://lighthouse.mq.edu.au/article/august-2019/when-will-australias-volcanoes-erupt
2019: The Boarder Watch: https://borderwatch.com.au/researcher-examines-low-probability-high-risk-eruption-potential/
2019: Grapeshot Macquarie University student magazine: https://grapeshotmq.com.au/2019/10/news-the-frontline/
2018: Sydney Morning Herald: https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/new-images-of-indonesian-volcano-eruption-emerge-20181224-p50o3w.html
2017: The Conversation: https://theconversation.com/heres-how-to-keep-up-with-the-latest-on-mt-agung-the-bali-volcano-88158
2017: Science Magazine: http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/11/scientists-watching-volcanic-eruption-bali-minute-minute
2017: The Independent: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/bali-mount-agung-volcano-indonesia-island-eruption-explosion-latest-a8089216.html
2017: Email interview The Associated Press, Jakarta, Indonesia
2017: Phone interview for News.com
Plus over 60 online news articles that quoted my comments on erupting volcanoes.
Book Authorship: Heather is writing a ‘popular science’ book on volcanoes.
Heather attended the World Congress of Science and Factual Producers in 2018 (Brisbane) and 2019 (Tokyo) and online in 2020 and 2021 and is currently working with TV Producers to develop documentary series.
Earth Science Outreach
2024: Prinseschool primary school volcano workshop, Netherlands
2022: Volcano questions from South Hurstville Kindergarten, Australia (age 4-5)
2022: Invited Judge Silbersalz23 International Science and Media Festival
2022: Online session with Year 7 Western Australia class
2022: Online sessions with four Year 5 student classes about volcanoes at Our Lady Queen of Peace Greystanes, NSW
2022: Zoom session on volcanoes with Students in Grades 3-4 at Forest Primary School, Tasmania
2021: Two zoom sessions on volcanoes with Brighton Grammar Primary School, Melbourne
2021: National STEM MAD Showcase Mini Keynote
2021: Invited Guest Geologize Live
2021: National Science Week talk delivered online on ‘Australia’s next volcanic eruption’, hosted by Sutherland Shire Libraries
2021: Two zoom sessions with over 100 Year 5 students about natural hazards at Our Lady Queen of Peace Greystanes
2021: Zoom session about volcanoes with students at The Nature Primary School, Port Macquarie
2021: Zoom with Norwest College with for International Day of Women and Girls in Science
2020: Skype a scientist: 3 skype sessions with Brighton Grammar Primary School, Melbourne
2020: International Women’s Day 2020: Presentation on volcanoes at ‘Wild Women’ event Chatswood Library
2020: Talk on geological processes for Year 6 students at St Mary’s Primary School North Sydney
2020: Podcast recording on volcanoes for Archeology Undergraduate students at Macquarie University
2019: Sydney Science Festival Library Talk: When will Australia’s Volcanoes Erupt
2019: Invited Scientist, Widening Participation and Junior Science Academy Regional Family Pilot.
2019: Hosted a Y10 work experience student for a morning on volcanoes
2019: Skype a Scientist: 3 x sessions, Brighton Grammar School, Melbourne
2019: Skype a Scientist: Model Farms High School, Sydney
2019: LEAP Refugee Macquarie University Experience Day. Volcano Demonstration
2019: Invited Keynote Speaker on volcanoes, BEEINS Teachers Conference, Sydney
2019: PLC Sydney Science Summit: 2 workshops on volcanoes
2019: Camp Aspire volcanoes workshop for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
2019: NISEP Macquarie University Science Experience: Career Speed Dating event
2018: Lead Organiser of the Open Day Program for the Department of EPS
2018: CONASTA67 Teachers Conference: workshop on volcanoes
2018: National Youth Science Forum Next Step: workshop on volcanoes
2018: Ask a Volcanologist: Skype interview with St Michael’s Primary School, Stanmore on volcanoes for Stage 3 Natural Disasters unit.
2018: MQ Women in STEM Program: led two workshops on volcanoes
2018: Ask a Volcanologist: email interview on volcanoes with Year 6 students, Tarradale Primary School, Scotland, UK
2018: BEEINS Teachers Conference: hosted a booth for EPS
2018: Invited Judge for the Australian FIRST Robotics Competition.
2018: Ladies Networking Breakfast Australian FIRST Robotics Competition, Sydney Olympic Park: Invited Guest
2018: MQ ConocoPhillips Science Experience (NISEP) Macquarie University Experience. Lecture
2017: Volcano demonstration 2-3 year olds. Mia Mia Child and Family Study Centre.
2017: Volcano demonstration 3-5 year olds. Mia Mia Child and Family Study Centre.
2016: Speakers in Schools Program: Talk on volcanoes at Trinity Grammar School.
2016: Participated as a scientist in ‘Speed Meet a scientist’ at the Sydney Science Festival, Powerhouse Museum.
2016: Invited Judge for the Australian FIRST Robotics Competition.
2016: LEAP Refugee mentoring Macquarie University Experience Day. Volcano Demonstration (March and September).
2016: NISEP Macquarie University Experience. Gave a lecture about my career and experience as a scientist.
2015: LEAP Refugee mentoring Macquarie University Experience Day. Volcano Demonstration (March and October).
2015: ‘Meet a Volcanologist’ Skype activity with Metella Road Primary School, Sydney
2015: NISEP Macquarie University Experience. Gave a lecture about my career and experience as a scientist.
2015: Invited Judge for the Australian FIRST Robotics Competition.
2014: NISEP Macquarie University Experience. Two talks about my career and experience as a scientist.
2014: LEAP Refugee mentoring Macquarie University Experience Day. Volcano Demonstration
2013: Macquarie University Experience. Volcano Workshop for Y8-Y10 Windsor High School students.
2013: SCOM100 interviewed by an undergraduate student group.
2013: NISEP The Indigenous Science Experience: School Science Expo, 2-day Volcano Demonstration, Redfern Community Centre.
2013: Macquarie University Science Experience Day: career speed dating.
2012: SCOM100 interviewed by 2 undergraduate student groups
2012: STERM NERD project. Video interview by 5 NSW high school students
2011: Women in Science Day. Represented the Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences at the 'Meet and Greet' session.
2011: Participated in the STEMNERD project with NSW high school students.
2006: Rocks and Soils Workshop. Co-led a workshop for primary school teachers in the UK.
2005: Science is Great. Led an igneous rocks session for KS1 and KS2 pupils. UK.
2002: Volcano Workshop. Led a session on volcanic rocks at 'Science Matters' Earth Science day in Newcastle for KS4 students. Gave a talk highlighting my route into geological sciences, UK.
Membership of Professional Societies (past and present)
WOMEESA, Geological Society of Australia, American Geophysical Union, European Geosciences Union, Geochemical Society, The Mineralogical Society, Earth Science Women's Network, IAVCEI, Australian Science Communicators, Writing NSW.