Heather strives to take a holistic, source-to-surface, inter- and multi-disciplinary approach to solve magmatic and volcanic process problems and to understand volcanic impacts on the environment and its people. She collaborates with geologists, volcanologists, geochemists and mineralogists, experimentalists, structural geologists, geophysicists, Indigenous knowledge holders and social scientists.
Current Projects.
Magma transport and ascent timescales.
Estimation of the timescales of magma ascent and transport from source to surface using textural and chemical approaches including diffusion chronometry. Australia: Newer Volcanics Province, Atherton Volcanic Province. New Zealand: Auckland Volcanic Field
Public perceptions of volcanic hazards and risk.
Australians are at risk of volcanic activity at home and when travelling overseas. This study will gain insight into the Australian public’s perceptions of volcanic hazard and risk. If you are living in Australia and over 18 please consider completing the survey closes 30 June 2022! https://tinyurl.com/MQVolcanoSurvey
Indigenous Knowledge of volcanic eruptions
The integration of indigenous oral knowledge with volcanological and geochronological knowledge to advance our understanding of past volcanic eruptions in Australasia.
Other Selected Projects.
Magma genesis and evolution.
Using geochemical, isotopic and petrological tools to place constraints on magmatic source components and to determine differentiation processes operating at subduction zone and intraplate volcanoes.
Improved understanding of volcanic hazards.
The integration of field volcanology and volcano petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry to improve our understanding of volcanic hazards
Timescales of magmatic processes.
Uranium, thorium, radium, lead and polonium isotopic analysis of volcanic rocks to constrain timescales of magma formation, transport, storage and degassing.
Geodynamic evolution of volcanic systems.
Using geochemical and geophysical data to gain insight into the geodynamic evolution of arc systems (Indonesia, Vanuatu) and intraplate systems (Newer Volcanics Province); geochemical constraints on sub-volcanic structure.
Environmental contamination.
Geochemical fingerprinting of water and soil contamination. Remobilisation of lead during wildfires. Historic records of environmental contamination using fungi and lichen.
Landscape evolution.
Studying the fractionation of uranium isotopes in fine-grained sediments to quantify timescales of sediment residence i.e., storage in soils and associated transport in fluvial and/or aeolian systems.